Our Employment Equity Policy and Strategic Objective Statements
Addressing the need for empowerment through development and expertise

We understand, acknowledge and recognise the importance of adhering to the country’s Black Economic Empowerment policies, and we are proud to note that we are verified as a 51% BEE Equity Level-2 B-BBEE Contributor.

WAC believes that the continual drive of the Company and all its Employees should be towards world class standards and global competitiveness whilst at the same time satisfying the requirements of the Employment Equity Act. In order to achieve the objectives regarding the development of the skills of every individual, WAC has developed a programme that meets with the requirements of the Employment Equity Act incorporating the following:

Removal of barriers to employment, the elimination of discrimination (both direct and indirect) and the accelerated development and advancement of individuals from designated groups.
Planned and positive strategies aimed at transforming the organisation to ensure that people from designated groups be given fair access to opportunities and skills development.
That the strategic objective must be driven and championed by every individual within the organisation.
In line with our business strategy and mission, we have commenced the strategic concept process whereby we intend on developing talent in the industry through a mentorship programme. Our senior consultants will therefore assist in the up skilling of previously disadvantaged individuals allowing them the opportunity to understand the industry as well as the relevant OHS criteria surrounding it.

We have already assisted in developing one new Registered Inspector for the industry who was supported throughout the registration process, who has subsequently progressed to become a director and chairman of the company. We will be engaging closely with our B-BBEE consultants to identify the best suited process we can adopt to improve our socio-economic standing and B-BBEE rating.

With our procurement recognition level we are in the process of developing training and awareness programs where we offer our clients insight training into the industry. We are keen to discuss our strategy with them for their outtakes on the implementation of E&SD to see how best we are able to support this initiative.

Get In Touch

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Address: 179a Blaauwberg Road
Table View, Cape Town, 7439
Phone: (021) 556 8190
E-mail: admin@wacle.co.za

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